2021 Christmas Eve Talent Show
O' Tidings of Comfort and Joy...
The Annual Gannon Christmas Eve Open House is in total effect this season because it's happening ONLINE, again! Although we won't be fahoo fores dahoo dores'ing in the flesh due to the health issues/lingering pandemic occurring at our regularly scheduled Allen Avenue living room locale, Julie Gannon will be broadcasting live from a random location 7pm-8pm EST on Christmas Eve 12/24/2021 bringing all of the antics.
From the rolling of chicken kievs, the chocolate fountain madness, Heavenly ham, Oplatki passing, tracking down Santa, random acts of talent, the Judging room, Reindeer games, 12 Days of Christmas sing-a-long, right down to the popcorn tins... it's all happening via the interwebs, again!
You're invited to partake in the festivities:
It's ON! Digital submissions of your talent(s) are fiercely encouraged! We're going global this year, again. You can submit an image (PDF/JPG/PNG file formats), a written word (PDF file format), a song/dance/spoken word/craft/tutorial/painting/arranging/sculpting/news/cooking segment/etc. audio (mp3) or video (MP4 file format), whatever talent you may have mustered up throughout this year. Nothing is off of the table! During the Zoom, your pre-recorded act will be shown and judging and prizes will be awarded LIVE! The deadline for submission is 12/21/2021 11pm EST.
DECEMBER 24, 2021 • 7PM EST
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Topic: 2021 Christmas Eve Talent Show
Time: Dec 24, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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May your days be merry and bright, and may all of your Amstels be Light.