Gannon Corned-Beef & Cabbage Cabaret
Gannon Corned-Beef & Cabbage Cabaret
The "Gannon Corned-Beef & Cabbage Cabaret" sing-a-long is happening on St. Patrick's Day Wednesday March 17, 2021 at 6:30pm EST via Zoom. It's no pressure, feel free to login and just watch or sing along with us; it's the family getting together post-dinner to group sing some of our favorite Irish tunes in celebration of our heritage. No need to be Irish to join us! The sheet music PDF with all song lyrics can be found by clicking here.
BONUS: There will also be a live auction winner announcement of our resident river monster's "Emerald Waters" 16"x20" oil painting! Click here to get your tickets NOW and you could win this one-of-a-kind framed original! Ticket sales end at 4pm EST March 17, 2021.
Zoom meeting access is below the painting image. See you in the Zoom where it happens!
Topic: Gannon Corned-Beef & Cabbage Cabaret
Time: Mar 17, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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